Fee Schedule – San Bernardino International Airport (SBD)

Fee Schedule

Review the current rates and charges at San Bernardino International Airport

Fee Schedules

Except when a valid agreement or lease provides otherwise, the following Fee Schedule shall apply to all airlines, both passenger and cargo carriers, and all other Airport users of SBIAA services as applicable. This Fee Schedule is subject to annual revisions.

  • Fees are due and payable on the first day of each month. Fees will be considered delinquent fifteen (15) days after due date. Ten percent (10%) of gross invoice administrative charge will be imposed to cover Airport costs incurred in processing delinquent fees.

  • A thirty-five dollar ($35) administrative charge will be imposed to cover Airport costs incurred in processing Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) checks.

  • No person or for-profit business entity shall sell merchandise, or conduct a business or service for hire or compensation on Airport property unless a Commercial Activity permit is first obtained from the Chief Executive Officer or designee. The Commercial Activity permit holder will perform permitted activities only in those areas designated on the permit.

San Bernardino International Airport Fee Schedule

Landing Fees

Aircraft with Maximum Landing Weight (MLW) over 12,500 pounds will be assessed a landing fee.$1.00 per 1,000 pounds MLW.

PlanePass tm is a purpose-built aircraft billing solution from Vector Airport Systems (“Vector”). As of April 01, 2021, Vector’s PlanePass team manages all billing and payments for landing fees at San Bernardino International Airport (“SBD”).

To view Vector’s “Authority to Bill” from the Airport, CLICK HERE.

Self-Service Portal: Vector’s self-service pay portal (https://payment.planepass.com/) allows operators to:

  1. Process credit card payments
  2. View account history
  3. Request copies of invoices via email or download invoices to Excel
  4. Enroll in electronic invoicing, and
  5. Update contact information.

To log into the portal, please use the operator ID and invoice number shown on the invoice. Vector accepts credit cards, checks, and ACH/Wire Payments.

  • Credit Cards Accepted: American Express, Visa, MasterCard, and Discover are accepted. There is a service provider processing fee of 3% of the total amount paid.
  • Checks can be mailed to the remittance address shown in the upper left corner of this invoice and MUST include the Invoice Number or Operator ID. Since Vector handles the billing for multiple airports, please make sure your payment is mailed to the airport payment address shown on this invoice.
  • ACH/Wire Payments – Please email billing@vector-us.com to get banking details. Remittance information should also be sent to this email address.

For payment or billing inquiries, Vector can be reached at 888-588-0028 Option 1 or by email at billing@vector-us.com.  Their office hours are Monday through Friday 9 am to 5 pm EST with most federal holidays observed as well as Christmas Eve and the Friday after Thanksgiving.

This email was sent from SBD to all operators on file notifying them of the change to Vector.

Aircraft Parking Fees

Parking rates for aircraft less than 12,500 Maximum Landing Weight (MLW)

Aircraft TypeMonthly
Small engine$7$55
Multi engine$10$90
Small jet engine aircraft$20$165

Daily parking rates (more than 2-hours) for Non-Permitted and Permitted aircraft greater than 12,500 MLW, based on aircraft length:

Aircraft TypePermitted
Group Ia Less than 50 feet$65$25
Group Ib: 51 to 90 feet$80$35
Group II: 91 to 125 feet$100$45
Group III: 126 to 158 feet$130$55
Group IV: 159 to 199 feet$170$65
Group V: 200 feet and larger$200$85

Commercial Cargo Flights

  • Per air cargo operation on non-leasehold ramp: $0.37 per 1,000 lbs MLW

  • Cargo ground support equipment (GSE) staging pre/post aircraft arrival/departure: $150 per hour
    *No charge staging GSE 30-minutes pre/post aircraft arrival/departure

Airship Tie Down

  • $200 (more than 4 hours, not to exceed 24 hours – airship operator to provide mast)

Commercial Activity Permits

Fee Type
Annual Permit Fee$1,000 (or $100 per month)
Opportunity FeeIn addition to the Annual Permit Fee, a Monthly Opportunity Fee of 7% of all gross revenues arising from the permittee’s commercial activities on the Airport
Common Infrastructure Assessment0.75% of base rent/license fee amount

*No person or for-profit business entity shall sell merchandise or conduct a business or service for hire or compensation on Airport property unless a Commercial Activity permit is first obtained from the Executive Director or designee. The Commercial Activity Permit holder will perform permitted activities only in those areas designated on the permit.

Airport Self-Fueler Permit*

Permit Type
Yearly Permit$700/year
Six Month Permit$400

* FAA and City Fire Department regulatory requirements must be satisfied prior to issuance of Permit. Permit does not exempt fuel flowage fees. Self-Fueler Permit requirements and/or fees cannot be waived.

Airport Use

Airport Use
Outdoor still photography$5,000/day
Outdoor filming$7,000/day
Outdoor set-up or strike$2,500 to $3,500/day
Still photography, or events in passenger terminals$10,000/day
Filming, in passenger terminals$12,500/day
Passenger terminals set-up or strike$5,000 to $6,250/day

Fuel Fees

A $.11 per gallon Fuel Flowage Fee will be assessed on all Jet-A Fuel and AvGas Fuel received through the Fuel Farms by Airport Fueling Agents.  Entities storing, or passing fuel through the Fuel Farms shall pay a Fuel Flowage Fee prior to receiving Jet-A Fuel or AvGas from the Fuel Farms

U.S. Customs Service User Fees Per Arrival OR Departure

Fees Based on Aircraft Weight (MLW)

Regular service hours are Monday – Friday, 0830 – 1630 PST. An after-hour fee of $75 per hour will be applied in addition to the standard User Fee specified.

Aircraft Weight (MLW)
500 – 5,000 lbs$50
5,001 – 12,500 lbs$150
12,500 – 35,000 lbs$300
35,001 – 100,000 lbs$450
100,001 – 255,000 lbs$550
Over 255,000 lbs$700

Bonded Warehouse Fees

Unit TypeFees per unit, per day

Automobile Parking Rates - Terminal Parking Lots

0-4 Hours$1 per hour
Daily Rate$5 per day

Airport Badge Fees

Fee Type
New badge (Initial or change in access)$60
Replacement for damaged badge$25
Badge renewal, before expiration$15
Badge renewal for expired badge$45
Replacement for lost or stolen badge$45
Unreturned badge, 1st time$250
Unreturned badge: 2nd time$350
Unreturned badge: 3rd time$500

AOA Vehicle Permit Fee

All personal operating vehicles (POV) within the AOA require an AOA Vehicle Permit. The fee for an AOA Vehicle Permit shall be $100 annually (or $10 per month).

Transporation Network Company (TNC) Fees*

Per Trip Fee

*TNC’s must enter into an agreement with SBIAA prior to conducting commercial activity on SBIAA property.