Contact SBD – San Bernardino International Airport (SBD)

Contact SBD

Get in touch with the San Bernardino International Airport

San Bernardino International Airport Authority

SBIAA serves the communities of the Inland Empire, and the greater Southern California region. SBIAA offices are located in Suite 100, the entrance to which is located on the southeast corner of the Norton Regional Event Center. For directions to SBIAA offices, please reference the map below or click on the Google map link.

Domestic Terminal

International Terminal

Staff Directory

Michael BurrowsChief Executive Officer909-382-4100 ext 102
Mark GibbsDirector of Aviation 909-382-4100 ext 131
Mark CousineauDirector of Finance909-382-4100 ext 141
Catherine PritchettDirector of Administrative Services909-382-4100 ext 134
Jeff BarrowDirector of Development909-382-4100 ext 2010
Jonathan GalvanAirport Manager(909) 382-0011
Andres ZapataAirport Operations Manager(909) 382-4100 ext 315
Amber CasarezMarketing Manager909-382-4100 ext 132
Darrell HaleProperty Manager909-382-4100 ext 155
Amber SetianRisk Management Specialist909-382-4100 ext 147
Airport OperationsDuty Phone(909) 556-1383
Mitch DatilloSecurity Manager(909) 382-3496
Airport SecurityRovers(909) 831-2393 or (909) 454-5970
Stephen MacIntyreAirport Maintenance Manager(909) 382-7583 ext. 332
Audrey HernandezAirport Maintenance Office Manager(909) 382-7583
Luxivair SBDMain Line(909) 382-6068
Wendy BechtelFBO Manager(909) 382-6068 ext. 411
Monette MendozaAsst. FBO Manager & Events Coordinator(909) 382-6068 ext. 400