Voluntary Flight Procedures – San Bernardino International Airport (SBD)

Voluntary Flight Procedures

Help the airport continue to be a good neighbor

SBD International Airport Preferred Arrival and Departure Procedures

SBD International Airport welcomes aircraft of all sizes and types—and the pilots who fly them—to the region. With the goal of being a good neighbor to our local residents and business owners, the airport requests that pilots follow these preferred procedures (subject to weather, equipment, aircraft and pilot capabilities). Pilots are asked to avoid residential areas to the greatest extent possible, and to follow the preferred arrival and departure procedures described below.

Preferred Arrival Procedures

Pilots should remain aware that KREI is located approximately 4 miles east of KSBD; see and avoid aircraft traffic for all flight procedures, including the preferred procedures listed below. Pilots in command make the final decisions relative to runway use and procedures flown.

Runway 6

  • Visual pattern: Right Traffic (south of the Airport)
  • Designated calm wind landing runway for all aircraft
  • Instrument approaches, VGSI and lighting:
    • CAT-1 ILS
    • LOC Y
    • RNAV GPS Y
    • RNAV GPS Z
    • PAPI – L (angle 3.0 degrees)
    • HIRL
    • REIL

Runway 24

  • Visual pattern: Left Traffic (south of the Airport)
  • Preferred arrival procedures for heavy aircraft – terrain and aircraft traffic permitting:
    • Final approach to Runway 24 (Dogleg Final Approach): follow and remain south of Greenspot Road while visually maneuvering to final approach. Join final approach approximately 1.4 NM from Runway 24 over commercial development (i.e., Lowe’s hardware store) located east of the 210 Freeway.
  • VGSI and Lighting:
  • PAPI – L (3.0 degrees): Unusable beyond 4NM due to high terrain
  • HIRL
  • REIL

Preferred Departure Procedures

Pilots should remain aware that KREI is located approximately 4 miles east of KSBD; see and avoid aircraft traffic for all flight procedures, including the preferred procedures listed below. Pilots in command make the final decisions relative to runway use and procedures flown.

Runway 6

  • Initial Heading of 070 degrees after takeoff and remain over the Santa Ana River Wash while climbing.
    • Avoid overflying City of Highland residential areas.
    • Avoid air traffic at KREI located approximately 4 miles east of KSBD.
  • For northbound departures, enter Right Traffic for Runway 06 and turn north at midfield downwind.

Runway 24

  • Make a 15-degree left turn to Heading 225 after initial takeoff while climbing.


We welcome any suggestions you may have in assisting the Airport’s efforts to be a good neighbor to our local residents and business owners. Contact us at (909) 382-4100 or submit a comment.