Drone Operators – San Bernardino International Airport (SBD)

Drone Operators

Learn how to safely fly your drone near SBD Airport

Safely fly your drone near San Bernardino International Airport

As aviation continues to grow and evolve, drones and other Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) play an increasingly important role in the industry. As such, San Bernardino International Airport would like UAS operators to become familiar with the FAA’s rules and regulations that include limitations for operating UAS near airports.

UAS activity is restricted in and around SBD International Airport. Authorization from the FAA must be granted before flying any UAS, including drones, UAVs, model aircraft, within the Class D airspace of KSBD. The KSBD airspace is currently supported by the Low Altitude Authorization and Notification Capability (LAANC) system. All requests for airspace authorization (recreational use or commercial use) must be processed through the FAA Drone Zone webpage.

Please allow up to 90 days for the processing of any airspace authorization requests.

The Federal Aviation Administration has provided policy guidance for UAS operators – please click on the following links for more information: